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The Aid Myanmar Society
c/o Stephen and Marian Fortner
452 Constance Ave,
Victoria, B.C.
Canada, V9A 6N3

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Thailand 2013 081



  1. Nancy Wright says:

    Hi Marian,
    I would like to become one of your monthly donors. Can you tell me how to initiate that?
    Merry Christmas to you both. You have accomplished so much in such a short time. It must be so gratifying.

  2. Saffron Wright says:

    My husband is preparing to make a trip to Bangladesh and plans to purchase 20 of these and take to the Slums in Bangladesh. We noticed you did something similar and so wanted to ask for any advise or lessons learned from your experience that will allow us to avoid any mistakes or improve our positive impact to help the people?


  3. julien says:

    Good morning,
    I am a simple traveller who, like these burmese people, needs a water filter to continue his journey.
    Is it possible to buy from you one of them?
    Best regards and all my admiration for your work.

    • Marian says:

      Thank you Julien for your enquiry: we do not sell these water filter kits. Please contact Sawyer International to find a supplier close to your home.

  4. Eyal Cohen says:


    We are exporters of a new, effective, unique Mosquito Repellent (brand name: Zoom Zoom) in a 70ml Roll-on bottle.
    The product is being manufactured in Israel and has been approved and licensed by the Israeli Ministry of Health.
    We are looking for local importers–distributors for a long term business.
    We would like to send you few relevant files including a product brochure, photos and product’s label.
    Please contact us for further discussions, samples or any other information.
    We would be happy to assist you.

    Kind regards,
    Eyal Cohen

  5. Hi, I am the founder of Dream Big Pte Ltd ( We are a singapore based company and we do lots of outreach. We are plannig to come to mynmar during the last few days of this month. We would like to sponor a lunch and pay a visit to your home. Please advise if this can be arranged. we will be arriving in yango on the 28th of Jan 2017

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